This issue builds on the work of all the others that were published before it. The poems and stories are rich and biting, the topics are deep and vast. I’m delighted to have you read through each and every piece, and just as delighted to add these writers to the wonderful list of contributors we have.
This issue is special for many reasons, not least of all the work contained within it. One of the big reasons why issue 4 will have a special place in my editorial heart is because it’s the last issue Tyler Barton (fiction editor) will oversee. He’s moving on to do good work at Blue Earth Review, and I’m sure he’s going to contribute the same amount of excitement, insight, and eye for what makes a great story. You’ll see exactly what I mean when you read this issue: it’s got his editorial prowess all over it.
Meghan Phillips is likewise a huge part of what makes this issue what it is on the fiction side, and that’s why I’m so happy to welcome her to the position of fiction editor. Being one of our two outstanding fiction readers for the past 4 issues, Meghan will flourish in the role, and I’m excited to see what she does.
The poetry side is doing some growing as well: poetry reader Eliot White is moving from his current role into a new one. The long and short of it is this: Eliot is exceptional at creating and running the in-person, community elements of literature, and there is no better person for Third Point than he to expand our reach locally.
This means we have an opening for a poetry reader, which I encourage you to investigate and apply to through Submittable. There is quite a lot of expectation to live up to: the poetry side of Third Point Press is exceptional in their taste and process, and we hope you are as well.
Finally, we are honored to host two poems from Lancaster City’s first two Youth City Poet Laureates: Natalia Delgado and Thea Buckwalter. These two poets represent the importance of poetry as an outlet for creativity, especially when it’s the creativity of young, bright, expressive people.
So there you have it: big changes at Third Point Press, but another issue of truly amazing work. Dig in.
Art: “Time for your shot” by Michelle Johnsten